Mapping Hell 🌑 : Main Page of Dante Read-Along
Reading schedule, Character Summaries, Dante's Library and more
Welcome to the main page of the Dante Read-Along!
Here, you’ll find all the resources you need and the opportunity to join our journey. Feel free to forward the link to this article to someone who you think will enjoy joining us!
Hello friends,
Welcome to the main page of Dante read-along, which will help you navigate across the slow-read of The Divine Comedy.
This page will expand as we proceed on our journey through Inferno, Purgatorio and then Paradiso.
Note: Please take into consideration that I will be releasing material for this read-along gradually so I don’t flood your inboxes in a single week. Library of Dante, for example, will be released in the coming two weeks.
Here’ the introduction to this read-along:
🍁 Begin Here
(… pages for Character summaries, Dante Library, and discussions threads will be added as we progress through our read-along)
Reading Schedule 🗓️ (each Canto we’ve covered so far)
Character summaries 🦚
Dante Library 📚 (books and other materials)
Join a discussion thread 💬 (each canto will have its own thread)
📚 A little about each section:
This page will grow as we proceed through our journey.
In Character Summaries you will find a short biographies and explorations of the main characters, from Dante to Charon. In Dante Library I plan to collect all wonderful books that were written by Dante, about Dante and on Dante. This section will also include stories from these books like this one from Joseph Luzzi’s book Botticelli’s Secret.
Finally, I thought I would put links to all discussion threads in one place. Each Canto will have its own separate space, which you will be able to find in the Join the Discussion section.
If there are any questions feel free to ask it in the General Chat or send me a direct message
Whoo Hoo! Here we go. Everyone get ready for the ride.
The introductory post said that the first post will be on January 12. Will that post be on Canto 1, i.e., should we have read Canto 1 by then, or should we read Canto 1 during the week of January 12 and be prepared for your post about it/group discussion on January 19?