Although I know little about Napoleon, like you I was disappointed by this film. I think the main problem was its scope was too big. I couldn’t help feeling that, to do the subject justice, it would have been far better as a multi-series TV drama (‘The Crown’ meets ‘Game of Thrones’, so to speak). That said, the director’s cuts of Ridley Scott’s films are usually a considerable improvement, so we have that still to enjoy/endure. Perhaps this will allow some space to develop more of Napoleon’s character.
Although I know little about Napoleon, like you I was disappointed by this film. I think the main problem was its scope was too big. I couldn’t help feeling that, to do the subject justice, it would have been far better as a multi-series TV drama (‘The Crown’ meets ‘Game of Thrones’, so to speak). That said, the director’s cuts of Ridley Scott’s films are usually a considerable improvement, so we have that still to enjoy/endure. Perhaps this will allow some space to develop more of Napoleon’s character.
On the button, Vashik. Two and a half hours I will never get back. 😣
My fears have come true. What is happening? Ah, great review, Vashik.