Thank you not only for this thoughtful essay on todayโ€™s assignment, but also for the gorgeous passage from Michelangeloโ€™s poems and the stunning da Vinci art work.

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Pleasure is fleeting and certainly is not happiness.

A man who believes in nothing will fall for anything.

Hegel - "Reading the morning newspaper is the realist's morning prayer." That's a new one to me. Do we even remember yesterdays 'news'? Very creative that the punishment is loss of the present moment. So fitting.

Thank you!

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โ€œReading the morning newspaperโ€ and then going on with your day, โ€œis the realistโ€™s prayer,โ€ seems a fitting plan of action for the โ€œmodernโ€ era. Today in the โ€œpre-apocalypticโ€ era we are reading the morning newspaper 24 hours a day on the internet, and that is madness worthy of Danteโ€™s Inferno.

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> Today in the โ€œpre-apocalypticโ€ era we are reading the morning newspaper 24 hours a day on the internet,

"Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it." comes immediately to my mind.

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Some humans are going to be harmful towards others whether through politics or religion. This seems to be the human condition. There are plenty of Christians today who lack compassion for others and donโ€™t follow the โ€œDo unto othersโ€ฆโ€ example of Jesus. And plenty of nonbelievers who exhibit love for their fellow human beings. The world doesnโ€™t change.

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Just beautifully written and illustrated. Thank you.

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Also, my understanding is that Bracciolini is considered the first humanist. Not working to well for the West lately.

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